Refreshed and Renewed We Are Sent

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Serving TogetherSIgn up To Serve

Social Ministries and Opportunities to serve and make a difference in our community.

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We thank God for the generous gifts he has given to our congregation in health, strength, and wealth and for the willingness of the congregation to share these gifts with the following programs and organizations:

Soup Kitchen

The soup kitchen serves a nutritious meal at no cost from 11:30-12:30. Christ Lutheran provides a lasagna meal on the third Monday of each month. Volunteers can provide a pan of lasagna or donate funds to cover the cost of a pan. 


Mission of Mercy

Mission of Mercy provides free healthcare, free dental care and free medications to the uninsured, underinsured and those who “fall through the cracks” of our healthcare system. Preparing lunches for them once or twice a year. Each month they set up their mobile medical clinic in Gettysburg.  Christ Lutheran provides lunches for patients two months of the year.  Around 35 brown bag lunches are prepared and delivered to the clinic.


SCCAP Food Pantry

Throughout the year the congregation collects food for the SCCAP (South Central Community Action Program) Food Pantry located in Gettysburg.  Food is donated by the Christ Lutheran community in the shopping cart located in the narthex.  Volunteers are needed to deliver the food collection each week.


SpiriTrust Lutheran: The Village at Gettysburg

On the third Sunday of each month, the Christ Lutheran Community assists in transporting residents to and from the Sunday morning worship service held on campus.


Adams County Habitat for Humanity

Christ Lutheran partners with Adams County Habitat for Humanity to help provide affordable housing for those in need.  Volunteers help build or refurbish houses working side by side with families who will reside in the homes.


Gettysburg C.A.R.E.S.

Gettysburg C.A.R.E.S (Combined Area Resources for Emergency Shelter) works with churches to provide emergency shelter from October to April. Christ Lutheran serves as one of the host churches and for two weeks during the winter months the ground floor of the church is transformed to host the shelter. Volunteers are needed each night from 8:00-9:30 to serve as hosts while the shelter is at Christ Lutheran.  Hosts welcome overnight guests and orient the overnight volunteers to our facility.


Ruth’s Harvest and Franklin Friends

These backpack food ministries provide food supplies to food insecure children in the Gettysburg Area School Districts. The backpacks contain food to supply children with enough food for the weekend.


Lutheran World Relief Quilting Ministry

Join our quilters in repairing blankets for distribution around the world by Lutheran World Relief.  Quilters gather at the church each Tuesday afternoon to quilt together.  You are welcome if you are not a quilter but want to learn.  Quilts are displayed for one Sunday each fall before being shipped to LWR.


Adams County Literary Council

Get involved and help the council teach English as a Second Language, provide Pre-GED instruction and instruction in basic reading, writing and math.  In early 2020 Christ Lutheran hosted the council’s Family Literacy Program.

The Second Mile Ministry Fund 

This fund provides grants to local and global agencies and institutions to help them fulfill their mission.   The Second Mile Ministry committee oversees the fund and looks for partnership with agencies aligned with our congregation’s ministry and mission. Here is a partial list of agencies to receive Second Mile Ministry funds The Adams County Rescue Mission, Gettysburg Soup Kitchen, Adams County Prison Society, SCCAP (South Central Community Action Program), Lutheran Camping Corporation, Fruitbelt Farmworkers Christian Ministry, YWCA of Gettysburg and Adams County, GeneisHope (Detroit).

Global Ministry

Christ Lutheran Gettysburg has a long history of supporting global ministries and missionaries.

The congregation sponsors two ELCA Missionary families

*Stephen and Marta Deal serving in Costa Rica and Central America

*Stephen and Jodi Swanson serving in Tanzania.

Other global partnerships include:

  • International Health Partners in Tanzania
  • The Lake Tanganika Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
  • The Konde Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
  • The International Church of Copenhagen
  • Pangani Lutheran Children’s Centre in Nairobi, Kenya
  • Lutheran World Relief
Treasure Sale